The average baseball stadium holds about 50,000 people, enough to fill a dance floor the size of a New York City block, or float down a river 53 miles long. It was also the number of people in the US who became HIV positive every year since 2003. Then, something happened. One by one, we said enough is enough. Instead of waiting for a cure, we took action. We got tested and retested. We talked to each other, and we talked to healthcare providers about HIV prevention medicines and safer sex practices. We talked about STIs, condoms, and all the ways to help prevent infection. People living with HIV started treatment right away and stuck to it, which can prevent the spread of HIV through sex. And it worked! New infections went down, but we still have work to do, so let’s all do our part and keep fighting. Because together, we can all help stop the virus. Find out what you can do at